Colors: _____________________Mascot _________________ Enrollment _____________
Street address
City _________________________________State
________Zip ___________
School Phone (
) __________________School Fax (
) __________________
City______________________________________ State ______Zip _______
Home Phone: ____________________ Work phone: _______________ Cell phone: _____________
We will need _____ T-shirts total, in the following sizes: **XXXXL _____, **XXXL_____, **XXL, ____, XL ___, Lg. ___ Md. ___, Sm. ___ .
That is 10 free shirts, plus _____ extra shirts at $13 each.
Order larger shirts for your larger parents/Coaches:
XXL, XXXL, XXXXL, and larger shirts cost $3 more each.
Number of practice games for Wednesday, July 12 , ______ x $65 ea. =_______
**Number of $3 supplemental charges for XXL, XXXL, XXXXL, size T- shirts: ______ x $ 3 ea.= _______
Total number of extra T-shirts: ______ x $13 ea. =_______
Entry Fee ___$575
Total Enclosed: $_______
Please mail and make check to:
South Tahoe Basketball Jamboree
2261 Cold Creek Trail
South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150